LinkedIn Marketing — How to Navigate This Platform In 2021

Blue Waves Dave
5 min readJan 4, 2021


LinkedIn Marketing — How to Navigate This Platform In 2021

“Do business where the business is done.” This is what LinkedIn claims, and they are right about it. On this huge platform, thousands of professionals are ready to take action on the right products. This makes it a great place to promote business.

LinkedIn is like Instagram for business. Whether it’s posting jobs, creating a meaningful network, following new industry trends, or promoting your products, LinkedIn marketing offers you a pool of professionals that are ready to be your recurring customers.

These things make Linkedin unique. People who join LinkedIn are related to business one way or another. They are constantly seeking solutions to their business problems. If they see a product that can help them grow, most probably, they will buy it.

Even if they don’t buy it immediately, they are going to study it. After thorough research, even if they end up choosing others, they’ll still follow you. That way, they will stay in the loop.

LinkedIn is one of the most popular B2B social media platforms. So you need to get your business in front of more eyes using LinkedIn marketing.

LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

LinkedIn is all about career development, professional connections, industry discussions, and other business-related activities. It offers you plenty of customers, employees, and partners to help grow your business.

It’s not just famous among job seekers and B2B professionals; It’s also one of the most famous overall social media platforms that makes it useful for businesses who want to promote their products.

Keep in mind that this is not a social media like Facebook or Instagram. If you try to hard-sell your products, you won’t earn much respect. It requires a different approach that I am going to talk about now.

So let’s discuss how you can make an effective strategy to succeed with LinkedIn marketing!

Create a LinkedIn Page

Before a company can promote its products on LinkedIn, it needs a LinkedIn page.

  • To create a page, visit the LinkedIn Pages section of the LinkedIn Marketing Solutions website and click “Create your Page.”
  • Select the right category for your business and fill out all the details.

Don’t skip any details. For example, companies with logos get more visits than those who don’t have a logo. I repeat: fill out all details. It will improve your rankings in Google and LinkedIn search results as well.

With Linkedin pages, you can share PowerPoints, PDFs, and Word Docs. You also get to react and comment on hashtag feeds associated with your Page. It is a great way to know, engage, and grow your audience.

Find Highly Targeted Customers and Connections

As this is a different platform, it requires highly targeted customers. So start with joining LinkedIn groups in your niche. Figure out what connections are most engaged. And then send them a message request.

Use strategies like collaborating with different influencers or companies, but the main idea is to get highly targeted connections/followers.

Use Rich Media to Increase Engagement

We have talked about the importance of visual content several times. And again, we’ll emphasize the importance of visuals.

Images have 6 times more engagement than text. So, using images in your marketing is always a wise move. Specifically, follow these instructions on LinkedIn:

  • Using 3–4 images in one post performs very well.
  • Videos’ length should be 1–2 minutes. And it should capture people’s attention in the beginning. Plus, don’t forget to include subtitles.
  • PDFs, PowerPoint slides, or documents like these help make your brand unique in customers’ eyes.
  • Businesses that show a personalized side are appreciated.

LinkedIn Live

The only thing that beats video in terms of engagement on LinkedIn is live video. From fireside chats to virtual events to interviews and webinars, it allows you to make strong connections with your audience.

How to Market on Linkedin in 2021

Run Linkedin Ads

Previous methods involved organic content marketing. You need to create useful content for weeks or even months to see results. It’s like blogging; you keep creating content that matters the most to your buyers. After some time, they start thinking of you as an authority and end up purchasing something from you.

But how about getting in front of people directly. For blogging, it’s Google Ads; For Linkedin, it’s Linkedin Ads.

Ads on LinkedIn are managed by a tool called Campaign Manager that lets you lets you set a budget, select goals (clicks vs. impressions), and have complete control over your campaign’s timeline.

Now you don’t want to create ads where you try too hard to sell. The LinkedIn community doesn’t appreciate people who try old-school marketing on them. Instead, give them something useful that can help them grow. Follow these tips to perfect your ads:

  • Start with the objective: What do you want to achieve with your ad campaign? Is it more sales, leads, or brand awareness? Figure this out because it will define the rest of your campaign.
  • Define your ideal buyer: Choose from the different options given by LinkedIn, like age, company, seniority, job type, to create your buyer persona. Keep in mind that the entire LinkedIn community is not your customer, so hone in on your ideal buyer.
  • Choose the right format: Choose between different types of ads available. The best option is to try all of them yourself and see what works best.
  • Run A/B tests: Run different ad versions to figure out what version brings the maximum returns.

Note: Neither objectives nor formats can be modified once the campaign is saved. So make sure to have your campaign carefully planned.

Final Thoughts on LinkedIn Marketing…

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for marketing, especially if you are in the B2B niche. Educate your customers and strive to make them more productive. You will see improvements.

Do you want to share your story about LinkedIn? Please do so in the comment section below.

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Blue Waves Dave
Blue Waves Dave

Written by Blue Waves Dave

Just a normal guy who wants to help the world in my own way.

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