How To Use Website Placement to Increase Conversion Rates

Blue Waves Dave
5 min readFeb 8, 2021
How To Use Website Placement to Increase Conversion Rates

So you have built your website with every design element in mind. At this point, you think that have completed the job, and you want people to convert like crazy!

However, most of the time, it’s doesn’t happen. Little things like call to action matter a lot when it comes to conversions. So we have to look at website placement deeply.

Website placement can be related to many things like the entire website, parts of the website, ad on a page, and more.

But today, I’m going to look at three major parts of website placement: 1. Ads 2. Call to action 3. Pop up banners

Let’s get right into it:

How to properly place Ads

You want to achieve one of these two things with your ads:

  1. Increasing the conversion rate
  2. Reducing the cost per conversion

Right? If you don’t have these main goals with ads, you have to reconsider your entire strategy.

And if you are sure about your goals, use these best practices to place ads on your site:

Consider your users: Considering user experience is very important. Organize the content and make the website easy to navigate. Consider these questions when placing your ads:

  • Why is a person visiting my website?
  • What do they do when viewing a particular page?
  • What gets their attention?
  • Is it possible to place ads on this part keeping everything clean and without getting into visitor’s way?

Think like a user in this case. It will change your perspective about your page.

Content is lucrative. Place your ads where people find your most valuable content. For example, if people look for downloads on your website, placing an ad there might work.

Don’t confuse ads with other sections like menu or navigation. They should be labeled as advertisements or sponsored links so that users can differentiate between them.

Convert Your Popup Banners

The problem with popups is that they can be annoying. But they convert! That’s why we use it.

The first thing in creating popups is to understand if they are needed. If you are interrupting the user experience, that’s a problem. An example of this can be a popup for irrelevant users on your landing page. Imagine if the user was deciding to buy something, and you are bugging them to sign up for your newsletter.

So after checking the relevance, pick the right time. Ask yourself questions like, “when should I ask them for their emails?” And of course, you have to give them something valuable in return. Otherwise, they won’t convert.

Most of the time, the right time to display popup is when they are about to leave, or they have scrolled some part of the website or after they have been active for 10 seconds.

You can be creative with the design. The main idea is to catch the user’s attention.

Popups should be responsive on every device. If they are irritating on mobile, remove them. Also, make sure that they are not slowing down the loading time.

Website Placement

Best Practices for Crazy-Effective Call-To-Action Buttons

Call-To-Actions are buttons design for conversion. As the name states, they are calling users to take action.

Keep these things in mind when placing and optimizing your CTAs.

Follow the Natural User Flow. Reading top to down and left to right is a convention in Western countries. This simple flow can help you place smart buttons. If you place your CTAs towards the bottom or to the right of the content, it will outperform other placements.

Place your CTAs where they align with normal user experience. For example, if you want users to sign up for something, you need to place this after they have read or filled out the required information. Placing it before the information would make no sense in this case.

The colors matter: This one is very important. Most of the time, green and orange buttons perform well because they make them stand out. However, don’t think of it as a rule, because it will depend on your site design. And avoid doing things like placing green CTA on a green background.

You can read this color psychology infographic for further details. But the best color for your CTA will be decided by a test.

Large and easy-to-read text: The button should be large enough so that people can read it. But you don’t wanna go too big that comes across as distracting or even obnoxious.

It should be able to draw attention but not so big that it puts users off.

Keep it above the fold. If you don’t want users to miss your button, keep it above the fold. It’s also included in landing page best practices.

Natural hierarchy. Imagine a situation where you have two buttons with one button having more importance to your website than the other. It can be two buttons like Join Now and Sign In with the former having more importance than the latter.

So the main button should be more attention-grabbing than the other. It should be big and bright. For example, it can use a striking color, like green or red, from your web design.

For less-important or non-CTA buttons, you can use grayscale buttons or monochromatic colors.

Less is more! It’s better if you give users less no. of choices. It’s human nature. People suffer from the choice paradox. If you give them Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie, they’ll happily choose one. But if you give them 8 different pies, their heads may nearly explode with indecision.

Final Words on Website Placement

Converting boring leads into buyers is very hard. But if you use the tips discussed in this article, you’ll see a significant change in your conversion.

What are your thoughts on website placement? Do let me know in the comments below!

